Service Description
Personnel File Audit – (Manual – no HRIS) - Provide an Employee Personnel File Checklist. - (on-site) Review personnel files to ensure accurate and consistent documentation including attaching personnel file checklist. - Remove I-9’s from personnel file. - Identify & create missing items checklist (Emergency Contact, etc.) - Call employees as needed for completion of missing forms HRIS/HRMS - Audit HRIS form compliance and consistency - Assess current HRiS to Ensure value/credibility of current HRIS - Access Employee Data (name, address, DOH & emails) Immigration I-9 Audit - Review I-9’s for compliant/legal completion; correct improperly completed forms via employee calls and coordination of proper documentation (if rendered necessary from audit) - Create active and inactive I-9 binders (removed from personnel fil) and 3-hole punched and placed in a 3-hole binder alphabetically by last name.
Contact Details